Thursday, September 30, 2004

Notes on the Presidential Debate

Bush DOES look like a monkey. He also keeps contradicting himself grammatically. "Only thing consistent is that he's inconsistent." Ooookayyyy...

I wonder what would happen if Howard Dean was up there instead of Kerry.

Advice to Bush:

Get rid of that smirk
Faster response time
Stop contradicting yourself
Stating the obvious only wastes time

Advice to Kerry:

Use more good analogies like the Pearl Harbor->Mexico one.
"I've never wilted in my life" sounds silly
Watch it, Kerry, it's one of those "est/most" questions (My journalism teacher would understand this one)
There are advatages and disadvatages to catch phrases such as "Not this president." Remeber that now.

Well, I've gotta go take a bath and print a couple of photos. Remember, there will always be jerks in the world. If you don't vote or make an uninformed vote, you have to deal with them.

Oh, and computers rock. Remember that now.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Please explain to me....

If "N" is on the top of a compass rose, shouldn't it be inferred that W is left, E is right, and S is down?

I should have gotten a 100 on that map. There wasn't anything wrong with my danged coloring.

Uh, yeah, this is me

I just sorta decided to blog what's on my mind and life. Not that you're intrested. Or are you? You'll just have to wait and see...